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Jumanji in Space

At least they waited 10 years before recycling this movie theme.  Two kids "discover" a mysterious boardgame.  When they play the game, the things in the game become real.  Hmmm.....sound familiar?  The only thing missing is Robin Williams.  But wait.  This movie is completely different.  This movie has them going into space.  Ohhhh......space.  Yeah, you're right.  Zathura is not like Jumanji at all.  It takes place in space.

UPDATE: So, it is not that they're recycling the movie theme.  It's that the guy who wrote Jumanji only had one idea but wanted to write more than 1 book so he wrote another book called Zathura.  And now they're making a movie out of his second book.  The book that has the same basic plot as his first book.  Minus Robin Williams.

By min | November 3, 2005, 8:27 PM | Movies