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They'll Be Painting Our Walls In No Time

Scientists at Rice University have built a nanocar with a chassis, two axles, and four wheels that actually roll.  This brings us that much closer to Rod's dream of nanytes painting our walls for us.  Now we just have to start working on the psychic connection so that we can give them mental commands.

On a side note, I applied to Rice University for undergrad.  I had to go on 2 interviews with alumni.  Then the jerks lost my application and claimed they never received it even though they had mailed me a postcard saying they had received it.  Ofc, by that time I had lost the postcard so I couldn't show it to them to prove what jerks they were.  Then again, going to school in Texas would seriously break my "Never go further south than Maryland" rule, so it was prolly all for the best.

By min | November 18, 2005, 6:26 AM | Science