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Dubbing in extra parts

Listening to the extended outro at the end of Wheels of Confusion by Black Sabbath from Volume 4... It's an awesome bit of music (and it reminds me of some of the music from the second Legend of Zelda game for the NES), but it's also annoying me, for a technical reason. Black Sabbath was a four member band: vocals, bassist, drums, and one guitarist. Incidentally, one of the great things about Black Sabbath is the incredible stuff you can hear the bassist doing during guitar solos. But this part of the song has two guitar parts. Now, it sounds great, so i should probably just shut-up, especially since my own solo music consists of one person and many different parts. I guess from certain groups I expect "studio magic" and from others i expect some level of purity, especially power trios (Black Sabbath is essentially a power trio + vocals). Stupid, i guess, especially when they're making good music regardless. But i wonder how they played it live.

By fnord12 | December 29, 2005, 11:34 AM | Music