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« 1/13/06 | Main | Making stuff up »

Bad Marvel Movie Night

Why the hell wasn't Nick Fury: Agent of Shield part of our Bad Marvel Movie night?

By min | January 16, 2006, 12:20 PM | Comics & Movies


I'm pretty sure after they made that movie, they dug a hole in the ground and buried it. I don't think anyone has ever seen it, and it (fortunately) doesn't seem available on Netflix.

Besides, that's a made-for-tv movie. If that qualified, we'd have to watch the Generation X pilot, too. And no one wants that.

It was just on TV out here last week or something. I didn't watch it, but I did laugh.

I did watch King Kong Lives from the 80's when it was on though. That's a SWEET movie.

It was on again this morning!! And I opted to clean the toilets instead of watching it.

Nick Fury movie. with hasselhoff as fury. there's some places noone should venture.

uh oh, who gave Wayne the internets? I hope he doesn't see the MRI post!

Wayne, should we buy the Fables trades? Is it good enough??? Are we going to ruin possible future enjoyments of said trades if we read from 42 on and decide later it is good enough???

IMDB claims a new Knight Rider movie with Hasselhoff is in the works for this year.