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Brian Eno & Paul Simon?

Apparently they are putting out an album together. Kinda weird, and based on the samples i've heard it doesn't sound particularly great. What is cool, however, is this little timeline that the hated and mocked Stephen Thomas Thomas Steven Erstwhile Erlewine set up comparing the careers of the two of them. What i don't like is that the timeline starts with Paul Simon's solo career. The timeline makes it look like Eno was always way ahead of Simon musically, and for this period it's true, but Simon & Garfunkel's groundbreaking electric folk music in the mid to late 60s were a huge influence on the development of rock music in general and i wouldn't doubt on Eno specifically (at the very least, the Velvets were influenced by S&G, and we know Eno was inspired by VU).

By fnord12 | May 11, 2006, 10:19 AM | Music