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Buck! Buck! you with my shotgun

I'm starting to get excited about the new nintendo console (wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!). The emulation is a nice little thing, but i really like this:

And what they say about it:

As you can see, the controller is amazingly basic, but allows for an entirely new breed of Wii gaming. The shell takes the simplicity of the main controller, and adds an additional analog stick, which could make a new FPS/Light Gun hybrid the next big thing.

There's also some demo movies (Duck Hunt WII)

Link credit: Joshua.

By fnord12 | May 11, 2006, 1:34 PM | Video Games


just to be technical, that's not the actual wii light gun shell, that was a mock up that IGN did when the wii-mote was first revealed.

The actual shell is this:


Slightly different shape, but basically the same concept!

That page is only accessible people who have registered with ign.com. My god, my imaginary audience is geeky, but not that geeky.

oh, they must prevent direct links, jerks. It's just the first image in the article!