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The Violation Zone

We live in a townhouse and we have an association. Basically, we pay a monthly due, and it covers lawn maintenance, snow removal, and some maintenance and repair to the exterior.

They're fascists. If you've ever dealt with an association, you will know what i'm talking about. The front door has to be a certain color, the outdoor light fixtures have to conform to certain specifications, you can only plant things in the specified location, etc etc. There's also plenty of arbitrary rules that don't make sense like if i wanted to build a deck, it could extend 16ft from my back door. But if i wanted to put down a concrete patio, it can't extend more than 8ft. Does this make sense to anyone? If i can use those 16ft for one thing, why not something else? In fact, why aren't those 16ft mine to do as i please? I am afterall the owner of a certain amount of land outside the structure. I pay property taxes on it. If they want to dictate what i do in the "common" areas, that's one thing, but my own backyard?

Every few months we get a newsletter. I particularly enjoy the one we just got. They don't publish letters, but they will print comments.

A Heritage Home owner suggests that garage doors be kept shut during the day, unless you are working in the area. It gives the community a much neater look and keeps out rodents and dirt.

Another concerned resident reminds us that garbage is to be placed on the road near the curb no earlier than the evening before collection. Garbage cans must be stowed in garages by the evening of the pick up. [emphasis mine]

And if you think you can just flaunt these suggestions from "concerned residents" (read as "The Management"), think again.

Residents are encouraged to report these and other violations to RCP Management. Violaters will be fined, so please be considerate of your neighbors. Follow the rules and don't find yourself in the Violation Zone.

That's right. My association is actually the Communist Party in disguise. This is where all the higher ups went when the Iron Curtain fell. First they get us to spy on our neighbors for not keeping their garage doors closed. Next thing you know, we'll be turning in all the capitalists. It's ingenious!

By min | May 11, 2006, 2:13 PM | My stupid life


I think i found the court case you were talking about. Is it this?: http://www.aclu-nj.org/legal/legaldocket/committeeforabettertwinriv.htm It may not be entirely relevant.

Are we gonna write an angry letter? I just love writing angry letters!

Heh..Jeff lives in Twin Rivers...i'm sure he was involved in one way or another in the lawsuit.