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Cable & Deadpool: Living Legends

Phah! I wanted a simple harmless little fun story about Cable taking over a country and Deadpool being funny and killing people and instead i get some crazy retcons about Apocalypse getting his powers from nannites in Cable's blood.

Apocalypse: ancient immortal mutant who found and rebuilt an abandoned Celestial ship - cool.

Cable: bitter old soldier who found a way to come back in time so that he could lead mutants in battle to prevent his timeline from happening to us - pretty cool.

This story ruins a lot of that for me.

By fnord12 | September 18, 2006, 10:18 PM | Comics


We'll say...nannites this time.

This bit (cable inadvertantly giving apocalypse his powers or whatever) was horrible. I just thought it was already in the characters. Yay! the boxes are here! do I tip the driver?

never take wooden nickels.