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I'm With the Panda

A panda, whose enclosure was invaded by a drunk man, defended its home by biting the guy in the leg. I agree with the last quote in the article that says the guy deserved to get bitten.

Zhang Xinyan, a building worker on holiday from China's central Henan province, climbed into an enclosure that held Gu Gu, a seven-year-old panda, at Beijing Zoo after the man had drunk four pints of beer during lunch at a nearby restaurant, the Yanzhao Metropolis Daily said.

Zhang, who couldn't remember the incident clearly, had wanted to hug the panda and shake its hand after having watched similar scenes on television.


"I took the opportunity to bite the panda's back, but its fur was too thick," Zhang said.

The guy then has the nerve to complain that he's been humiliated because the story is all over the news. Yeah, i think if you get drunk (at lunchtime, no less) and make an ass of yourself, you deserve a little humiliation, too.

By min | September 21, 2006, 3:09 PM | Ummm... Other?