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Speed Reviews

Mighty Avengers - very cool. I'm liking the two timelines and the reference-heavy story line. And i'm happy to see Ultron in full Oedipus mode.

Daredevil - well-written and fun, even if it feels like its the 10th time i've seen the "is gladiator guilty?" storyline.

Fantastic Four - great. We've known that Black Panther has a "Galactus contingency plan" since the Priest run; now we get to see what it is. This book is well written, funny, well paced and just plain good. Glad to see McDuffie back at Marvel and in such a big way. But i'll be a little disappointed if Gravity's more-or-less unique powers get replaced with more generic "protector of the universe" type powers. And why are these big floating planet-heads always picking blond haired, blue-eyed guys to be protectors of the universe?

By fnord12 | April 30, 2007, 1:55 PM | Comics