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You will believe what we say because we are ABC news

This is worth sitting through the "free pass" ad to read.

Key excerpt:

In response to my central point -- that a story of this magnitude and potential impact should not be passed on without at least some information enabling an assessment of the credibility of the sources (or, at the very least, should include an explanation as to why such information was being concealed) -- Schneider's response was that there is a way for the reader to assess the credibility of the story. Namely, because ABC News and the reporters in question have "proven over a long period of time" that they are "very reliable" (Brian Ross won a Peabody Award), the fact that they have assessed this story as credible is, by itself, sufficient to render it newsworthy

This is the same shit that got us into the Iraq invasion.

By fnord12 | April 9, 2007, 12:59 PM | Liberal Outrage