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This Made My Balls Hurt

And i don't even have any.

Abigail Taylor was severely injured Friday when she sat over an open drain hole in a wading pool at the Minneapolis Golf Club.
Taylor said as Abigail was getting out of the pool, she fell.

"She more or less blacked out, she passed out, fell face-first onto the pool decking," he said. The family thought it was a seizure.

An ambulance rushed her to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. Several hours later a surgeon said Abigail was lucky to be alive.

"The suction had caused a two-inch tear in her rectum and had basically disemboweled her by pulling out her small intestines, almost all of it," said Taylor.

Her father said a search of the pool filter turned up Abigail's intestine.


Abigail will have to be fed intravenously for the rest of her life and will have to have a colostomy bag.


You can all thank my sister this. *shudder*

By min | July 5, 2007, 10:17 AM | Ummm... Other?


Your sister manufactures defective pool drains? That's just evil.

I've been trying to introduce the phrase 'cunt lips' into common parlance. For example, a particularly gutsy woman could be described as having 'quite a set of cunt lips.' Or, someone who is reluctant to go out with friends can be described as 'needing to be dragged out by her cunt lips.'

I apologize for nothing.

Ignore him. He's just trying to mess with our blog rating.

[dead link deleted]

So I checked out this blog-rating thing you posted. First I put in SuperMegaMonkey to see what would happen. Turns out you guys have an "R" rating.

Then I did mine. To my absolute amazement, my blog is rated "NC-17". I can't help but feel a little proud of this.