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Internet music distribution - how do the artists get paid?

John McCrea from Cake, interviewed at This Modern World.:

It's a leaner business. In terms of how long we have to stay out on tour, that's just being turned up and up and up by the fact that our recorded music is now, for all intents and purposes, worthless to the people that listen to music. Generally people under thirty tend to think you're a chump if you pay for music. The value has been transferred over to the shiny and valuable iPod player and away from the music itself. It's increasingly necessary for us to play more and more shows in order to pay our bills and accountants and managers, et cetera. Despite a lot of hype about Myspace, it's getting harder, not easier, for bands to make ends meet, and I know that that's not a popular statement, but it's the truth. I'd like to see some sort of solution to it.

By fnord12 | August 30, 2007, 2:31 PM | Music