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Stinkless Stink Fruit

Durian, also known as stink fruit, is supposed to be super delicious. I wouldn't know. I don't think i would willingly try something that is said to smell like rotting fish. In fact, i would take that as a sign that i should most definitely not eat it. It's banned from hotels, airlines, and Singapore subways, it smells so bad.

But you know Asians. If it's edible in any way, it'll get eaten. Take thousand year old eggs, for example. Look at it. It looks disgusting. But it's soooooo delicious. Mmmmmm.........i wish i could have some now... with some jellyfish. Ah well.

Back to the point. Some Thai scientist has bred a non-stinky stinkfruit. He says it's not any more smelly than a banana. Perhaps now typer195 and i will finally taste its deliciousness.

By min | August 15, 2007, 11:46 AM | Ummm... Other?