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Roger Ebert vs. Clive Barker

On the question of "if you make the best poop in the world, is it art, or is it just poop?".

Actually it's about video games and whether or not they can be "art".

And while i agree with Ebert on the largest point (the definition of 'what art is' is not totally subjective), i disagree with him on all the details and his arrogant style of writing makes me feel like he needs a punch in the face. OK, not a punch in the face, that's mean. He could use a good fragging in Halo.

He reminds me of that kid. You know that kid. He sat next to us in lunch one year. We called him 'the Master' because he was such a know-it-all.

By fnord12 | September 13, 2007, 11:12 AM | Video Games


So wait, a guy can draw a black dot on a white canvus and call it "A polar bear blinking in a snowstorm" is hight art, but a game that takes an entire design team over a year to create can't be "high art" because its not traditional? I'll take my "low-brow" art over "high art" any day.

And, incidentally, Clive Barker's "Jericho" is coming out pretty soon. I wonder if that's part of the reason that this debate keeps cropping up. This isn't the first time that Ebert and Barker have been butting heads in the media.

evan whatshisname?

weiss! i think.

evan whatshisname?

weiss! i think.

I have no idea what you're talking about, but Evan whatshisname has a weiss. Everyone does, its just a question of how much.


i can't take anyone seriously who poses for a picture like that. loser.

which has no bearing on my opinion of art, video games, or bowel movements. but ebert found a damning photo and uses it against his opponent effectively.

Evan Weiss was a damn good guess, but it was Scott Ross that we called 'the Master'.

I didn't read the links because my computer was too slow to link to them. But, if it's a recent picture of Ebert (last 2 years or so), it might be awful because he had some cancer surgeries where, they removed his whole lower face and neck or something.

Oh, wait, I just re-read min's post and it wasn't about a photo of Ebert. Never mind.

But, I think a friend of mine is dating this Evan Weiss you guy's used to hang with.

And, I never liked the distinction between high/low art, commercial/non-commercial, or restricting what is art. It is overly elitist and of old-style not accepting of new technology (as this case is?). While there may be a line between what is/isn't art, it's very, very, very hard to define and should err on the side of inclusion.