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Saggy Pants Drama

Fnord and i were just talking about this in the car yesterday. I had read elsewhere how more and more cities are trying to include sagging pants in the "indecency" laws. I think it's a waste of time and akin to the 60s when the "adults" kept telling the "dirty hippies" to get a haircut. The style of sagging pants has been "in" since the 90s when i was in school. I think it looks dumb. I think it'd be funny to line a bunch of kids up at the bottom of a staircase and make them race to the top with their pants hanging down to their knees. But if they're not exposing body parts, i don't see it as an indecency issue. If it's boxers and not butt, then i don't see why you would need to legislate this.

This article makes claims that it's a) corrupting the younger kids and b) distracting in schools. For the first claim, there's a certain age range where kids should be under their parents' edict as to what they can and can't wear (pretty much up until puberty and then all you can say is "yeah, good luck with that"). I think that's a parenting issue and we don't need legislation to "protect" them. As for the second.....the only distracting thing i remember from when i was in high school was the big stink the faculty made about it. The kids in the class aren't sitting there not paying attention to the math lesson because half the guys have their boxers hanging out, ok? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's prolly the math that's got them half dazed. I like math and i'm saying this.

Exposed bra in a classroom - now that could be distracting. Some guy's plaid boxers and baggy pants? So much less entertaining.

And if you want to talk about indecency, ever since they introduced these low-rise/hip hugger pants to chicks, i've been subjected to no end of plumber crack. How come nobody's legislating this to protect my delicate sensibilities? MY EYES, MY EYES!!! ARRGGHHH!!!!

Leave the kids alone with their wacky styles. It's not hurting anyone. It's not going to make them more likely to join a gang, commit a crime, do drugs. And if it does, they'll be that much easier to catch cause it's really hard to run when your pants are hanging down at your knees.

By min | September 17, 2007, 3:12 PM | Liberal Outrage