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SuperMegaSpeed Reviews

Starlord #3 - Still waiting for the Groot/Rocket Raccoon ongoing to be announced. I also might be in love with Mantis.

Iron Man #22 - Good twist, i guess. But how come Iron Man doesn't dance any more?

Iron Fist #9 - While this was all very good, the 2 panels with Luke, Misty, and Colleen were the best. And i'm disappointed that E. Honda didn't use his thousand hand slap.

Iron Fist annual #1 - I was hoping for backstories on all the people Iron Fist will be facing in the tournament since that's sort of what #9 implied it would be, but backstories on the previous Iron Fist isn't bad either. I felt like the writing wasn't quite as good on this, and i see that Fraction is listed above Brubaker here as opposed to vice versa in the regular series, but it could also have been the different artist. I'm also interested in the idea that Hydra was around prior to World War II. We all know that Baron Strucker formed Hydra at the end of World War II but he did so by taking over a previous secret society, so we can consider this version of Hydra part of that. The Hydra ties to K'un-Lun are intriguing, in any event.

By fnord12 | October 1, 2007, 7:45 AM | Comics