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Looking behind the curtain

I hate "politics".

I like I'm interested in politics, but i hate "politics".

By fnord12 | January 25, 2008, 3:13 PM | Liberal Outrage


There is no such thing as politics in the US anymore. Only "politics". Sorry.

Are you trying to visually tie in Obama with Darth Vader and Doctor Doom? All three sitting at the head of a table with food, or at least beverages on the table, and all eyes in the room upon them?

Just thought I should, you know, point that out.

What? No retorts on this one? First picture I saw was Darth Vader at the head of a table set with fine glasses and presumably good food. How he eats it through the mask, I don't know.

Then I scroll down and see Dr. Doom at the head of a very similar looking table. Same question for the mask.

Next picture: Barak Obama. I think this is a little harsh, as A) Barak Obama does not wear a mask, and B) has not yet proven to be evil. So far as I know, Obama has not frozen anyone in Carbonite, nor has he released hundreds of clone bots that will be destroyed by the Fantastic Four in subsequent adventures.

At least Dr. Doom lays out a nice meal. Obama just puts out some water, and Vader, just that weird blue juice that everyone drank a long long time ago.

that juice looked so good. especially when luke poured it over his cereal. how sad that they had to eat cereal for dinner.

What if the juice was tasty? What if it went well with cereal? Maybe Vader's not such a bad host after all?

On the other hand, it's most likely just Kool-Aid.