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Are You Listening, Food Advertisers?

"Consumers, especially those with a lower self-esteem, might be more susceptible to over-consumption when faced with images of death during the news or their favorite crime-scene investigation shows," the authors conclude.


Although, i don't know how true this is. There were a few times fnord was away on a business trip during the time period i was addicted to CSI and i still forgot to feed myself most nights. I guess death doesn't do it for me.

By min | June 27, 2008, 2:39 PM | Science


It's because you're Vegan. If you were a meat eater the site of dead bodies would make you crave a steak or hamburger. Either that or it's because you don't have self-esteem problems.

Now leave me alone! I want to eat my burger in peace and dry my tears in the soggy napkins that came with the meal.