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It Makes Me Laugh

Both watching the video and reading the article. I don't know why. It should prolly make me more worried about Putin what with his "gain the upper hand by soft but effective actions" talk. I guess it's just the fact that he put out a training video. And he's wearing that gi. Nobody looks threatening in a gi. *snort*

I mean, look at him and tell me he doesn't look like a dork.

Sergei Zhukov/AP

Ofc, having said that, i've prolly signed my death warrant.

By min | October 7, 2008, 1:25 PM | Ummm... Other?


oh man. i wish he'd do judo shirtless. he's so hot.

A dork? He looks terrifiying in that gi. His death-cold eyes, his emotionless face, the fact that for some reason his chest is more tanned than his head... I am very afraid of Vladimir Putin.

yeah, i thought the chest tan was kinda freaky. mebbe he's a putin LMD and they put the wrong head on the wrong body by accident.

I just came to comment on the same thing. It's bizarre, how is it even possible? Photoshop?

Death Warrant was a great movie!


Oh... Oh, wait no. I'm sorry. It sucked. It's just my skewed perception of movies messing things up again. In any event, have fun in a Canadian Jail with Jean Claude Van Damme!

i'm gonna go and guess "chest hair".