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SuperMegaSpeed Reviews

New Avengers #46 - Nice focus on the villains. I think it would have been cooler to see a division between the more "street" villains splitting with the more arch-villain types (the Wizard, Madam Masque) over whether or not they should have gotten involved, but that's just me. Tying the Hood's powers into Dormammu is interesting, i guess, but i hope they don't start upping his power levels too much. I like him as a low powered villain with a lot of ambition.

Secret Invasion #7 - Big issue long fight scene. Well told. Yu's faces stink but he's pretty good with storytelling. Waiting for the conclusion befre final judgement.

Thunderbolts #125 - This was a good conclusion to this arc, but about a quarter of it is a total repeat of scenes from Secret Invasion #7, which is just the reality of modern crossovers, but i don't really like it. Plus i wouldn't be surprised if Gage was phoning it in just a little bit since he's getting kicked off the series after loyally waiting in the wings and doing fill-ins all through Ellis' run. But that's just me being bitter; i shouldn't project it onto Gage. I did have a problem with the art style - a little too clean or something. Not bad, just not to my taste.

Captain America #43 - A straight take on Batroc, which is nice. Nice start to a new arc, not much to say at this point. Fill in art by Luke Ross isn't bad, but i always miss it when Epting isn't there.

Daredevil #112 - Good stuff. I'm glad to have some Brubaker Iron Fist now he's no longer writing his book.

By fnord12 | October 30, 2008, 6:15 PM | Comics