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I Think I Might Be Screwed


A new study shows that people who are socially active and not easily stressed may be less likely to develop dementia.
The study found that people who were not socially active but calm and relaxed had a 50 percent lower risk of developing dementia compared with people who were isolated and prone to distress. The dementia risk was also 50 percent lower for people who were outgoing and calm compared to those who were outgoing and prone to distress.

"In the past, studies have shown that chronic distress can affect parts of the brain, such as the hippocampus, possibly leading to dementia, but our findings suggest that having a calm and outgoing personality in combination with a socially active lifestyle may decrease the risk of developing dementia even further," says study author Hui-Xin Wang, PhD, with the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

I expect you people with the calm dispositions to take very good care of me when my mind starts to go.

Of the 506 people in the study, 144 developed dementia at the end of the 6 years. Ofc, some of that might have to do with all these scientists following them around. That would drive anyone nuts.

By min | January 20, 2009, 12:48 PM | Science


It says people aged 71 and over have a 1 in 7 chance of having dementia. I thought that it was a pretty good movie, but 1 in 7 people have a copy of it? That's pretty awesome!