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Why is my Wii Fit messing with my brain?

Seriously, does anyone know why this wouldn't be an insane way to sleep?

By fnord12 | January 22, 2009, 10:12 PM | My stupid life & Video Games


I don't think it's saying to wake up *every* 90 minutes? But when you *do* wake up do it during one of the light sleep periods?

Poorly worded!

If you're right, and i think you are, i need to either start going to bed an hour earlier or a half hour later.

If one is inclined to take advice from machines, that is.

Definitely take advice from machines.


Obviously its trying to use enhances interrogation techniques on you, by depriving you of sleep. Whatever you do, don't talk to your Wii.

*enhanced. DOH!

Reference from SuperMegaMonkey

See comments here for an explanation....    Read More: Ultron-Wii