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They Can Explode??

You assholes never told me there was a danger of these things exploding!

A man has died after his mobile phone exploded, severing a major artery in his neck, according to reports.

The man, thought to be a shop assistant in his twenties at a computer shop in Guangzhou, China, died after he put a new battery in his phone. It was believed that he may have just finished charging the battery and had put the phone in his breast pocket when it exploded.

Christ! And the best advice they can offer is "keep it in a bag instead of your pocket"?

By min | February 3, 2009, 11:54 AM | Ummm... Other?


Well min, as it happens, many things explode.

Why, just look around you.

Look around you.

Just look around you.

It may take a while, but after about 7 minutes and forty-eight seconds, you'll find what we've been looking for.

Can you guess what we've been looking for?

i guessed "pancakes" but i think i was wrong.

I believe that pancakes are technically a "flavor" explosion; but they don't blow your head off when you eat them. Therefore, pancakes are safe.