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You Need to Go Home Now

Cause i can't risk you getting dementia. Who would take care of me?

Long working hours may raise the risk of mental decline and possibly dementia, research suggests.

The Finnish-led study was based on analysis of 2,214 middle-aged British civil servants.

It found that those working more than 55 hours a week had poorer mental skills than those who worked a standard working week.

The American Journal of Epidemiology study found hard workers had problems with short-term memory and word recall.


"The disadvantages of overtime work should be taken seriously."

It is not known why working long hours might have an adverse effect on the brain.

However, the researchers say key factors could include increased sleeping problems, depression, an unhealthy lifestyle and a raised risk of cardiovascular disease, possibly linked to stress.

This is completely unacceptable. You're staying home, and I'm swaddling you! You'll do sudoku and crossword puzzles to keep your brain in working order.

By min | March 4, 2009, 1:33 PM | Science


Not a chance. I thrive on stress. Also, there's little chance of me developing dementia in my old age as I'm likely to be dead first. Now all I have to worry about is developing dementia now, which is unlikely.

By the way, when are you going to return my cabbage? I can't trust you anymore. You borrow vegetables and don't return them. Cabbages are not for sale anymore; not like they used to be.

Note my assiduous use of a semicolon. That proves I don't have dementia. Ponder it.