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IQ Not Entirely Genetic

I have been told there might be some who are interested in reading this.

If intelligence were deeply encoded in our genes, that would lead to the depressing conclusion that neither schooling nor antipoverty programs can accomplish much. Yet while this view of I.Q. as overwhelmingly inherited has been widely held, the evidence is growing that it is, at a practical level, profoundly wrong.
"Bad environments suppress children's I.Q.'s," Professor Turkheimer said.

One gauge of that is that when poor children are adopted into upper-middle-class households, their I.Q.'s rise by 12 to 18 points, depending on the study. For example, a French study showed that children from poor households adopted into upper-middle-class homes averaged an I.Q. of 107 by one test and 111 by another. Their siblings who were not adopted averaged 95 on both tests.

Another indication of malleability is that I.Q. has risen sharply over time. Indeed, the average I.Q. of a person in 1917 would amount to only 73 on today's I.Q. test. Half the population of 1917 would be considered mentally retarded by today's measurements, Professor Nisbett says.

Being subjected to the general populace on an almost daily basis, i would consider half of the population today to be mentally retarded. Fnord12 says i should go back to 1917 so that i can better appreciate the advancements made by retards of today.

By min | April 16, 2009, 2:44 PM | Science