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Rags to ruthless, messed up... toothless

Most of my imaginary readers know that i have had a little baby tooth growing out of the roof of my mouth, about a quarter inch behind my 'real' row of teeth. It's been there for years and years. Last night, after a few days of it feeling a little funny, it fell out.

It's hard for you ordinary homo sapiens to understand, but this is a major loss for me. The best way i can explain it to you is by saying it's like when Warren Worthington, AKA the Angel, lost his wings during the Mutant Massacre in X-Factor #14. Sure, to all of you i now seem just like a normal person. It's all you ever aspired to be, but me... i was once something special. Something... more than human. But now i'm just one of you.

I can only hope that one day Apocalypse will create new techno-organic shark tooth for me.

...i miss my little friend.

By fnord12 | April 11, 2009, 5:13 PM | My stupid life