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SuperMegaSpeed Reviews

Doctor Voodoo #1 - The hell happened to Dr. Strange? Wait, I get it: he's been around since the 60s and now that he's not Sorcerer Supreme anymore, he's suddenly looking his actual age? I'll tell you one thing about this comic: Dr. Doom kicked ass. That is for sure. Makes Dormammu look like a wuss. Beyond that... pretty good, i guess. I'm a little concerned about the fact that we all know that Dr. Strange will become sorcerer supreme again at some point in the future. So all this effort to build up Brother Voodoo into a credible character is destined to fail. But i have higher hopes for this series than i did originally.

Models #2 - Cute. Not great.

Dark Reign - The List: Secret Warrior #1 - Awesome.

X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas #1 - Remember when Christos Gage wrote World War Hulk: X-Men and he made you like all these new X-Characters you had never heard of in the span of about 3 pages? Same thing happened here. Plus: robots and talking gorillas.

X-Babies #1 - I made the mistake of reading this and realized that it's actually technically in continuity because of Mojo and Spiral, which i guess means it ought to go in my collection. But shouldn't they try to make it funny?

By fnord12 | October 14, 2009, 10:18 PM | Comics