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Stockholders ruin everything

Nintendo stocks fall 5% after Wii U announcement at E3.

Pretty meaningless in the long run, i guess. Just noting that it's not just nerds that can instantly rule that something sucks, causing PR damage.

All i'll say about the Wii U at this point is that it reminds me of this.

The more alarming thing i took from that E3 article was "Mass Effect 3 featuring Kinect support". Hopefully there will also be "Mass Effect 3 where you don't have to wave your arms around like an idiot" for those of us who don't think playing video games needs to be an aerobic activity.

By fnord12 | June 16, 2011, 12:19 PM | Video Games


This has nothing to do with this post, but I thought you should see it:


mining planets using the Kinect......now that's what i call a good time.