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I'm not kidding:

"The time for putting party first is over," [Obama] wrote. "If you want to see a bipartisan #compromise, let Congress know. Call. Email. Tweet."

We also learned the following today:

First quarter GDP revised downward to a 0.4 percent growth rate. Second quarter GDP grew at a lower-than-expected 1.3 percent.


Revised government data released this morning shows the recession was significantly worse than previously thought. Instead of shrinking by 2.5 percent in 2009, the economy actually shrank by 3.5 percent.

Maybe now's not the best time to tweet our representatives with the request that they cut government spending?

Update: As Krugman says:

It's really hard to talk about this without getting into armchair psychoanalysis. I'll try to refrain. But let's just say that Obama's continuing insistence on compromising, his continuing faith in bipartisanship despite two and a half years of evidence that these people don't do compromise and will never make a deal, is looking obsessive and compulsive. It's deeply frustrating.

By fnord12 | July 29, 2011, 3:26 PM | Liberal Outrage


mebbe Obama's a Doll. the programming's not as sophisticated as on the tv show so they've only been able to give him one primitive directive - bipartisanship.

I'm amused by the collateral damage among the chickens and hat prisoners when the troll gets bumped over.

I've decided that if the above comment is spam, it's the best spam ever and i'm not going to delete it.