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Everybody's fixing everything

Some nerd* Wanyas found fixes obscure comic book plots and also attempts to fix the Star Wars prequels (although he gets way too much into the expanded universe stuff for me).

Meanwhile, at MightyGodKing, the Matrix sequels - which i barely remember - are fixed as well.

*Late update, as i clicked through some old posts looking for something else: This "nerd" is now good friend of the site Nathan Adler! "Nerd" clearly meant as a badge of honor!

By fnord12 | July 6, 2011, 2:04 PM | Comics & Movies & Star Wars


since when was Owen Lars Obi-Wan's brother? i thought he was the son of the guy who ended up marrying Anakin's mom after Anakin went off to Jedi school with Qui-Gon. and why does he keep saying "Luke and Leia's mother" instead of "Amidala"?

also, i appreciate comic and sci-fi geeks who speak of the laws of thermodynamics and quantum physics. how come nobody ever talks to me about thermodynamics?

So, uh, i hear that as a system approaches absolute zero, all processes cease and the entropy of the system approaches a minimum value.

I think Owen was established as Obi-Wan's brother in the one of the novelizations of one of the original movies.