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SuperMegaSpeed Reviews

Captain America Corps #2 - I actually thought the art was better this issue. I know there's no inker but it felt more "inked". I dunno. My one complaint is if you're going to have as bizarre and cool a concept as the Ameridroid shooting his fingers at people, you should really draw it out and show it. Not have him pointing in one panel and then a vague cylindrical object in the next. And look, i'm not saying i thought the art was great. I said "better". Storywise, i'm past the "this is a silly concept" phase (it still is, though), so i'm enjoying it. Roger Stern can still write a good book. Get him a real series.

Herc #5 - Ok, i've been vacillating on this series, but this issue was awesome.

Avengers #15 - I'm not going to sit here defending these talking heads every issue. It's what the Avengers are doing during Fear Itself. Live with it. I thought this issue did a good job delving into Spider-Woman's character. And i think Bachalo is getting better with the story telling aspect of his art.

Avengers Academy #16 - You know who wasn't in this issue at all? The Avengers Academy. This was Henry Pym fighting a super-powered version of the Absorbing Man, who should be able to beat up Giant Man even without a magical Asgardian hammer. So i don't know how Pym gets to beat this guy twice. But this was fine.

Hulk #37 - Wow, after Parker's depiction, i actually want to read Fear Itself. Or at least, i want Parker to go back in time and write Fear Itself. This was great. MODOK is great. I like his new attempt at an ego-free attitude and even the way he admonishes himself and corrects for when his ego comes through. This book has turned around quite a bit from that Zero/One story, and i'll like it even more if next issue MODOK goes and kicks the Zero/One crew's ass. But.. what happened to the Omegex the World Ender plot? I know we kind of jumped back in time for issue #36. Are we still back in time? Or did i misread that entirely. I guess it'll sort itself out eventually.

By fnord12 | July 24, 2011, 10:56 PM | Comics


To be fair to Bachalo, I think it's more of the case where he's learned it's ok to tell a story with his art. He was a better story teller early in his career and that got too abstract for a long while.

Avengers - just waiting for fear itself to hurry up and finish so we can get back to the Avengers. but i wish they'd quit it with the Hawkeye/Spiderwoman YA love story. it's making me nauseous. i'd like a clear timeline on when hawkeye stopped caring about Mockingbird and started having the hots for Spiderwoman. player.

Herc - i didn't see any bugbears.