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I Still Refuse to Run

New mobile app called Zombies, Run! was developed to get you trained in time for the zombie apocalypse.

Over 13 missions (with 17 more to come free in this first season), you take the part of Runner 5 and have this tale of the undead piped into your ears. As you run, the iPhone's GPS tracks your pace - the moans growing louder as brain-eaters approach, forcing an increase in tempo to escape them. You also collect items as you run, which are used to bolster the survivors' base, adding an extra layer of interest beyond the number of calories burnt. The missions last about 25 minutes, consisting of five sections interspersed with your own tunes: perfect for all levels of jogger.

I still ain't running. When the apocalypse comes, just go on without me.

By min | March 26, 2012, 9:40 AM | Ummm... Other?