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Can't Shake Those Last 10lbs?

How about a feeding tube?

Brides-to-be looking to shed that final 10, 15 or 20 pounds in order to fit into their dream wedding gown have taken a controversial approach to crash dieting that involves inserting a feeding tube into their noses for up to 10 days for a quick fix to rapid weight loss.

The K-E diet, which boasts promises of shedding 20 pounds in 10 days, is an increasingly popular alternative to ordinary calorie-counting programs. The program has dieters inserting a feeding tube into their nose that runs to the stomach. They're fed a constant slow drip of protein and fat, mixed with water, which contains zero carbohydrates and totals 800 calories a day. Body fat is burned off through a process called ketosis, which leaves muscle intact, Dr. Oliver Di Pietro of Bay Harbor Islands, Fla., said.

"It is a hunger-free, effective way of dieting," Di Pietro said. "Within a few hours and your hunger and appetite go away completely, so patients are actually not hungry at all for the whole 10 days. That's what is so amazing about this diet."

The doctor's wrong about one thing. The amazing thing about this diet is that it's bat shit crazy!

Shouldn't there be some requirement for doctors to only be allowed to do things that are safe and healthy? If not, there really ought to be one. I'm pretty sure feeding someone 800 calories a day does not meet the definition of either.

The crazy woman they interview in this article talks about how she doesn't have time to exercise and crap. Oh, yeah. Much better to just get a tube stuck through your nose for 10 days. Gawd. And i thought getting your stomach stapled was the craziest idea they were going to come up with for weight loss. How naive of me.

By min | April 16, 2012, 11:39 AM | Ummm... Other?