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Aha!, she says. People who claim to see auras aren't total cranks!

In synesthetes, the brain regions responsible for the processing of each type of sensory stimuli are intensely interconnected. Synesthetes can see or taste a sound, feel a taste, or associate people or letters with a particular color.
In basic neurological terms, synesthesia is thought to be due to cross-wiring in the brain of some people (synesthetes); in other words, synesthetes present more synaptic connections than "normal" people. "These extra connections cause them to automatically establish associations between brain areas that are not normally interconnected," professor Gomez Milán explains. New research suggests that many healers claiming to see the aura of people might have this condition.

I think this might count as having High Mastery in Miyagi Power-Up. I'm jealous. I want to be a crank.

By min | May 9, 2012, 11:53 AM | Science