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Catwoman updated


By fnord12 | September 11, 2012, 9:39 AM | Comics


i wish it didn't attribute the post to "The Beat" cause i'd like to know who this person is who thinks the original cover was better than the actual published cover. "It was trying to be different." really? cause i thought it was pretty much on par with the usual ridiculously exaggerated T&A plus ignorance of human anatomy i've come to depend on for my weekly bouts of outrage.

you know what would truly be different? proportional attributes on a body drawn in a way a human could actually move. and no chicken cutlets.

Guillem can obviously draw, too, so, what is the problem? if he wants to be "different" in this way, mebbe he should stop drawing human females. i would accept aliens with any number of feet coming out of their asses whilst their mammary glands suffocated their faces.

Eponymous Beat posts are by Heidi MacDonald. She used to be an editor at Vertigo.