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The case for price gouging

Yglesias goes there in reaction to the huge lines at gas stations.

These lines of people waiting in lines to get gas for their generators is a new thing to me, and my first reaction is "what a waste; send that gas to the hospitals!". Easy for me to say; i've got power back already. We're very lucky that so far it hasn't been extremely cold.

I'm not sure how Yglesias' "If we allow prices to increase, only those who really need gas will buy it" doesn't turn into "If we allow prices to increase, only the very rich will buy it". Christie's rule against price-gouging is a form of big government control. I'd be supportive of an even more direct "seize and redistribute" approach. I'm not sure what's best.

One thing i do know is that min's employers opened their doors today, and that means more people on the roads for what i would argue is not an essential service (i at least can work remotely) at a time where gas resources are hard to get. Doesn't seem to be a smart move and it's another area i wouldn't mind seeing a crackdown.

By fnord12 | November 1, 2012, 11:56 AM | Liberal Outrage