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Decorating a Tree Using Math

Holy crap, where was this years ago when i still had a tree for Christmas?

Members of the University's Maths society, called SUMS, have put an end to bare branches, by calculating the amount of baubles, tinsel and lights needed, as well as the size of the essential star on top.

Department store Debenhams set the University the Christmas themed challenge to create the formulas for the perfectly decorated Christmas tree and it is also available below as a calculator.

If you've found your ideal Christmas tree but want to ensure you use the appropriate amount of decorations then the calculator will have the answer.

The formulas - which are being rolled out for use by Debenhams personal shoppers nationwide - are as follows:

They need to make formulas for everything. I'm so happy to see it that i almost want to go get a tree to test it out. And that's completely normal behavior! Shuts up.

By min | December 6, 2012, 11:30 AM | Science