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Busy place

I was tearing up my Essential Man-Thing trade yesterday and i didn't want to lose this. I'm sure it's from a Handbook but i like it in b&w.

Not shown: site where Gary Okenfelks of Boca Raton dropped his keys, site where someone ditched an old station wagon they didn't want to pay to have taken away, site where literally nothing happened, ever.

I love it but i wonder what made the Handbook guys decide to map it all out with such specificity. Imagine a similar map of Manhattan; "sites where Spider-Man fought Doctor Octopus" alone would probably cover half the city in dots.

By fnord12 | April 12, 2013, 1:17 PM | Comics


One thing I noticed about the handbooks is that certain characters had huge entries, while others had very brief. Surprisingly, the older, more popular characters had the briefer entries. I think it was because they had too many stories to ever condense, while the newer or less popular characters could be detailed in specifics precisely because there were fewer things to reference.