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Don't Be a Flight Attendant

Cause not only do you have to deal with obnoxious people who insist their giant piece of luggage will fit in the overhead compartment and get whiny when told to turn off their electronics, you're more likely to get cancer than the general populace.

Although no one knows if flame retardants or other chemicals play a role, flight attendants are more likely to have cancer and miscarriages than the general public.

Female flight attendants have a 29 percent higher risk of all cancers, including more than an 11-times greater risk of melanoma and a 35 percent higher risk of breast cancer than the general public. The longer a flight attendant has been working, the greater the risk of cancer, research suggests.

They also have a 62 percent higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth than the general public, according to 2010 study, which says these risks "have been poorly studied in a limited number of investigations." The Association of Professional Flight Attendants says that their flight attendants are allowed to fly during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

The triggers of these health problems are still under investigation, and researchers are studying a number of possible culprits, such as radiation.

More than likely, it's not just one thing that's the cause. There's the flame retardants, the radiation, the ozone, other people's germs, and the stale, recycled air, just to name a few, and they prolly all contribute to the problem. But, like one flight attendant said, short of quitting, what can they do?

By min | April 11, 2013, 12:59 PM | Science