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Jehovah's Witnesses warn of zombie apocalypse

We found this tucked into our doorjamb yesterday.

I would have said "No", but the pamphlet tells me otherwise, because the Bible says it'll happen. And how do we know that the Bible is true? Because the Bible says so.

Here's the back panel.

That may seem photoshopped but c'mon, who would be so lazy to do such a poor job?

By fnord12 | November 5, 2013, 10:34 AM | Ummm... Other?


Good thing you posted this, because you may have wound up with two.

i was hesitant to remove it from the doorjamb without gloves, at first. it talks about zombies! who knows what it might be contaminated with!

You know seeing Christian pamphlets talk about zombies would be way more entertaining than the typical Christian pamphlet.