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Kevin Drum:

Net neutrality was the de facto status quo until several years ago, when the Bush-era FCC decided to classify internet provision as an information service (IS) rather than a telecom service (TS)... The Obama FCC went on to impose tighter net neutrality rules, but left alone the classification of internet services as IS. Today, a federal judge decided that the FCC's rules exceeded its authority because it had failed to classify broadband Internet as a common-carrier service... The next step might be an appeal to the Supreme Court or it might be an FCC decision to reclassify the internet as a common carrier. But that's what it's come down to. If the Supreme Court upholds this decision (or refuses to hear an appeal), net neutrality is dead unless the FCC or Congress decide to reclassify broadband internet as a telecom service regulated as a common carrier.

See Drum's post for the non-ellipsed version and a link to an article covering the court decision. The new Obama era FCC chairman is opposed to "regulating the internet" which isn't good news. As if changing the classification in the first place and then putting in the half-assed neutrality rules wasn't already regulation.

By fnord12 | January 14, 2014, 12:49 PM | Liberal Outrage