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Balls to you, Daddy

We don't watch television at home, so forgive me if this is old news, but while i was in the waiting room at the dentist today, a Cadillac commercial came on and they were playing a lifeless version of what i think of as a Clash song, Brand New Cadillac. It turns out the song isn't actually by the Clash. So as terrible as that commercial was, i at least have it to thank as i now go do some digging and find older versions of the song. Which is so easy nowadays. At one point learning this would have triggered a cross-state epic record store adventure; now i'm just going to do some googling.

By the way, one version not mentioned in that Wikipedia article is the hip-hop Incognegro version.

By fnord12 | September 24, 2014, 6:45 PM | Music & TeeVee


Be thankful you didn't see the car commercial with the Sid Vicious version of My Way.