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Maybe tell them not to hate people for no reason

Social conservatives react to good changes coming from the Vatican:

"What will Catholics parents now have to tell their children about contraception, cohabiting with partners or living homosexual lifestyles?" asked Maria Madise, coordinator of the Voice of the Family, which counts pro-life and conservative groups as members.

"Will those parents now have to tell their children that the Vatican teaches that there are positive and constructive aspects to these mortal sins? This approach destroys grace in souls."

I'm sure the phrase "destroys grace in souls" has some special meaning, but it makes them sound like crazy people.

By fnord12 | October 13, 2014, 4:35 PM | Liberal Outrage


I think that's a transcription error. What she actually said was "destroys Grayson souls." As in the old saying: "Every time unmarried people lie down together, it murders a part of Dick Grayson's soul."