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What is "To Not Be a Jeopardy! Category"?

Jeopardy!'s "What women want" category did not include answers like "healthcare" or "equal pay" or "bullshit like this category not happening".

No. Instead, women apparently want jeans that fit and a guy who will do the vacuuming once in a while.

They forgot to include "Dating superheroes and becoming their wives".

By min | October 1, 2014, 11:04 AM | Liberal Outrage


I thought it was a joke until I clicked on the link. I find it baffling and I still feel it has to be a joke.

At 1st I thought the onsies were harmless fun but on 2nd thoughts it does play up to stereotypes. Why can't the female one say something like Future Super Woman or something to that ilk. There's a part of me that doesn't want to be over sensitive towards these things but on the other hand it reinforces sterotypes.

But...it probably would help if we did a bit of the house work now and again. :)

i have a tshirt that's got "i sketched this in my notebook in class" style drawings of Marvel characters with the phrase "i only date superheroes" scattered throughout. i bought the shirt because i thought it was cute.

on its own, it doesn't mean the chick wearing it can't also be a superhero, and i don't find it sexist (unlike the "Training to be Batman's Wife" tshirt). however, when you juxtapose the 2 outfits being offered, one to boys and one to girls, and the very different messages on each, i think it highlights the subconscious gender roles we create.

" however, when you juxtapose the 2 outfits being offered, one to boys and one to girls, and the very different messages on each, i think it highlights the subconscious gender roles we create." I think that is the main problem. It really does reinforce different gender roles. The male has to be the superhero tough guy and the girl has to be the damsel in distress or his sidekick.

We see it in fnord's comic book reviews in that the women wear barely anything or in order to be "tough" they have to go through a traumatic ordeal like being raped. I know I'm veering slightly off topic but women will never being seen as equal unless things change.