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Braille Printer Made of Legos

He's 13, and he's already better than all of us combined. Link

Shubham built a Braille printer with a Lego robotics kit as a school science fair project last year after he asked his parents a simple question: How do blind people read? "Google it," they told him.

Shubham then did some online research and was shocked to learn that Braille printers, also called embossers, cost at least $2,000 -- too expensive for most blind readers, especially in developing countries.


After the "Braigo" -- a name that combines Braille and Lego -- won numerous awards and enthusiastic support from the blind community, Banerjee started Braigo Labs last summer with an initial $35,000 investment from his dad.

Intel executives were so impressed with Shubham's printer that in November they invested an undisclosed sum in his startup. Intel officials believe he's the youngest entrepreneur to receive venture capital, money invested in exchange for a financial stake in the company.

I love how his mom was at first not supportive of his idea. She was prolly annoyed with him for taking up space on her dining table with his Legos.

By min | January 22, 2015, 8:37 AM | Science