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SuperMegaSpeed Reviews

Ms. Marvel #14 - Takeshi Miyazawa is still on art and i continue to prefer it over Adrian Alphona's. Such a great range of expressions. Really perfect especially for the downtime romance stuff. Storywise i guess i'm just a tad disappointed. I mentioned a few issues back that the one thing that this book is lacking is subplots. There's really just the main story and that's it. That's not quite true since we do have Bruno not-so-secretly pining for Kamala, and there was a little movement on that front in this issue. But there's not much there, really (although it was handled well this issue). I took heart in the fact that the lettercol a few issues back said that the book was going to start focusing more on Kamala's Inhuman side as well as a romantic interest. But i assumed that meant those things in addition to the villain/adventure of the month. Instead those things have become the villain/adventure of the month. I still enjoy this book, as evidenced by the fact that it and Daredevil are the only two Marvel books i'm still reading. But i feel like it could use a little more depth to bring it from a good monthly story to a truly classic ongoing series. I guess it's all moot anyway, with the Secret Wars stuff coming up.

Now where's my banana? Ook ook ook!

By fnord12 | April 21, 2015, 4:10 PM | Comics