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SuperMegaSpeed Reviews

Ms. Marvel #16 - Adrian Alphona is back. I miss Takeshi Miyazawa but wasn't as disappointed by the return of Alphona as i thought i would be. He actually does have a good style for this book. The defense pwners set-up by Loki were sufficiently weird, for example, and i do like his comical facial expressions and poses. I did kind of read this thinking maybe i could drop the book, since it's all set up for an event that isn't directly about Ms. Marvel and which she won't have any control over. But then i got to the last page and i was like, yeah, i want to see the interaction between Kamala and Carol Danvers.

Daredevil #16 - Really great. Loved Kingpin's art collection. Also thought the verbal sparring between Daredevil and Kingpin was good. I am still kind of holding out hope that there's a twist coming with Shroud. His whole deal used to be that he's a good guy that pretends to be a bad guy. So it would be nice if he wasn't just crazily obsessed in this story and it was all a ruse. But we'll see what happens. It would have been nice to get some kind of information on Julia Carpenter in this issue. I have no idea what her current status is, but my immediate thoughts while reading this were "She's a Spider-Woman! Why can't she defend herself?!".

By fnord12 | July 30, 2015, 9:40 AM | Comics


To make a long story short, what happened was that Julia got blinded and turned into the new Madame Web. Then she got put into a coma as a result of experiencing a vision of doom. Then Octopus tampered with something called the Great Web in an attempt to avoid his fate (of Peter reclaiming his body), with the result that Julia awakened from her coma but without her precognition and possibly her other powers as well.

Well, if that's the short version, no wonder they couldn't drop a line in the comic explaining it!

Ms. Marvel: does Alphona have no idea what a hot dog looks like or was there some sort of hipster hot dog revolution in Jersey City?

I was annoyed that Kamala specifically said she was going to Attilan to find out if Medusa knew anything about what's going on but never actually did that and ends up back with her friends going "i wonder what's going on".

also, Carol Danvers has no room to complain about who is taking whose name.

I forgot about that plot point from Spider-verse. Then again, I've tried to forget as much of Spider-verse as possible, except for Leopardon.