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No, retailer, we expect you to die

Triggered by someone that bought the wrong issues of a Howard the Duck series due to Marvel's reboot shenanigans, retailer Mike Sterling talks about the tribulations of labeling comics that have multiple volumes. All i'll add is that as a back issue consumer, or just someone that wants to goddamn look something up on goddamn UHBMCC, the constant goddamn reboots are indeed a goddamn nuisance.

Sterling has talked about this before, and i noted at that point that Marvel doesn't really care about problems that retailers have selling back issues. I was hoping that now that Marvel is basically in the business of selling back-issues (digitally) they would start to care more, but that's probably a pipe dream (and it would be too late to help me anyway).

By fnord12 | November 30, 2015, 1:03 PM | Comics