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Oh... it's over?

We enjoyed Netflix's Voltron despite the fact that they only say "And I'll form... the head!" once the entire season (and mostly as a joke). But i do agree with this from IGN's review (warning: video will autoplay):

It's also worth mentioning that Legendary Defender is tailor-made for binge-watching, and feels less like a TV show and more like one, big movie. Like a lot of Netflix Original Series, Voltron's episodes don't really have "endings"; they just kind of stop and go into the next one, which really makes the season fly by. Unfortunately, that's also a byproduct of the finale, which cuts off right in the middle of a big action scene. The ending is so jarring, in fact, that I had to double-check to make sure it was the last episode...

I've been thinking a lot about how decompression has increasingly affected television the way it's already affected comic books, and we now seem to be a post-season finale society, where the final episode of a season doesn't necessarily have to result in a climax or, in this case, even really feel like an ending at all. Unlike, say, Walking Dead, the Voltron series did have an actual plot each episode, so the fact that the season ends on a cliffhanger doesn't feel like as much of a cheat as shows like, again, Walking Dead, where things only seem to happen in the first and last episodes and things still end on a cliffhanger.

By fnord12 | June 21, 2016, 9:58 AM | TeeVee


there's a big reveal and what should have been a big fight, but it felt anti-climactic to me. like the big fight wasn't really all that much more exciting than any of the previous battles. and Voltron was barely in it.